Any number of cigarettes can increase your risk of developing cancer.
But the more you smoke, the more likely you are to get cancer.
A 2024 studyTrusted Source looked at 229,028 Australian participants to estimate how likely people are to develop cancer by age 80,
In the study, only 1% of people who’d never smoked developed lung cancer by age 80.
The study found that the risk of developing lung cancer increases to 14% if you smoke
cigarettes.If you smoke one to five cigarettes per day, your risk is around 7.7%,
and if you smoke more than 35 cigarettes per day, you’ll have a 26.4% chance of developing
lung cancer by age 80.Bear in mind that you don’t need to smoke in order to develop smoking-related cancers.
Secondhand smoke also increases your risk of developing lung cancer.